Mmoexp Final Fantasy XIV Gil: Monitor Server-Specific TrendsБеседка

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 Mmoexp Final Fantasy XIV Gil: Monitor Server-Specific Trends

Сообщение Daymapae »

5. Monitor Server-Specific Trends
Since FFXIV is split into multiple data centers and servers, prices can vary significantly between them. If you’re playing on a server with a small population, certain items may be rarer or more expensive due to supply and demand imbalances.

How to Leverage Server-Specific Trends:
Track Local Supply: If an item is abundant on one server but rare on another, it could present an opportunity for arbitrage. For example, materials or crafted items that are abundant on a low-population server can often be sold for a higher price on a high-population server.
Community Knowledge: Engaging with players on your server’s forums or Discord channels will help you learn about local pricing trends and the specific demands of that server’s population.

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